West Green Place
Case Study – West Green Place
Main Contractor – HG Construction
Design & Built Contract – Excelsior Services Student Accommodation Ltd
Project Value – £290k
Duration – 20 Weeks
The project comprises a new build Nursery and Community Centre built on the premises of the West Green Place development, in the Borough of Haringey. The building was built using a CLT frame.
The new build offers high-quality spaces to users with the wellbeing of staff, students and users of the spaces in mind.
The site is located on the West Green Place development. The Nursery and Community centre site is a small part of the wider development.
Generally M&E services to the buildings include:
- VRV/VRF System for Hot Water Generation, Heating and Cooling
- Underfloor Heating Circuit.
- Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR) System
- Passive Ventilation System
- Controls (including controls, metering and monitoring).
- Above ground sanitary drainage
- External Rainwater Drainage
- Potable cold-water supply
- Potable hot-water supply
- New incoming Low Voltage (LV) Electrical Utility supply to serve the Community Centre & Nursery
- HV cable ducting through the development entrance to a temporary termination point for the future installation of HV services to the new on-site electrical substation (substation to be provided under future works)
- Low Voltage (LV) multiservice distribution board serving tenant and landlord distribution boards throughout the buildings
- Energy efficient lighting using high performance LED luminaires to client’s design specification
- Electrical power outlets throughout the building to suit room occupancy requirements and to client’s design specification
- Lift installation
- Lightning protection system
- Fire alarm system to suit the building fire strategies (requirements to be confirmed by fire specialist)
- Provisions for Telecom/data, security and any other specialist systems distribution